NYE and Disco balls

“Were awkward infront of the camera.” To that I say…. BULLCRAP.

In my personal opinion, this just means you have never been posed properly. You shouldn’t be told “ok, now act natural” Have you ever tried to “act natural???” its absolutely impossible. So how can anyone put you infant of a stranger with a camera and expect you to be able to do that infant of the camera???

Well, I don’t. The reason my sessions look so fun and effortless, is because THEY ARE!! I Pose and prompt my clients the entire time. I don’t leave long gaps of silence for awkward moments. I keep the session moving and flowing the entire time. It makes the session last 20-25 minutes AND it makes the clients far more comfortable and at ease during the session.

If you are in the market for a photographer, I definitely recommend asking them how they do their sessions. If they leave it entirely candid (That means you will basically be posing yourself) or if they prompt the session, meaning giving you situations to put you into cute planned candid moments.

In other words, it’s still candid, but it’s a planned out candid photo. Making it way easier on you, the client, and far less weird on everyone.

I know how tough it can be, so I like to make it as easy as possible on my clients.


Ashley Maura